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One of the most integral components of the assessment performed. The neurological evaluation provides invaluable information to our chiropractors and medical team enabling them to individualize a patient’s treatment protocol. Our team will also assess and monitor the patient’s progress and the effectiveness of treatment. Our integrative team work closely in the office to insure the patient is receiving the best possible care for their particular condition.
Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV): The NCV is a test used by a neurologist for patients who are experiencing symptoms such as neck pain, low back pain, pain in the extremities, muscle weakness, soreness, fatigue, and/or weakness. The test shows any nerve injuries and disorders with 3 factors: to what extent the nerve reacts, how quickly the nerve responds, and at what speed a stimulus can travel through a nerve. It provides measurable information about the integrity and function of spinal nerves. The NCV is a vital part of a patient’s because it enables our team to construct an appropriate treatment plan that is specifically tailored for the patient. Lastly, the test helps the providers track a patient’s short and long term progress over the course of treatment.